A'shae Featherstalker

Cursed Goldsmith On the Run


Having lost her mother at birth A’shae Was raised by her tribe, learning to hunt. One man in particular took her in as his own, a Tia by the name of A'nin. Watching her adoptive father craft the most beautiful jewelry from the ugliest of stones she knew that one day she wanted to be able to follow in his footsteps and become a goldsmith. The tribe’s Nunh, unhappy with how much attention the Tia received for his skills, challenged her father and killed him in the fight.
His death broke A’shae’s heart and unable to mourn him freely for fear of the Nunh’s wrath, she became quiet and distant from her tribe. In her heart she swore that she would one day leave this place she no longer called home. Still she tried to follow in her fathers footsteps, learning the craft of goldsmithing. But no matter what she tried or who taught her the result was the same – failure. While she knew how to do the work, her hands shook too much, tremors making the delicacy needed for her craft impossible.
By time the rumors of a powerful artifact reached her years later she was desperate. Desperate to get away, desperate to perfect her craft. Late one night she snuck away, bringing only her chakram and a few small essentials. Rumor had it that a rich merchant had found the artifact and was having it transported through area and to his mansion. It never made it.
Deadly with her chakram from years of hunting, A’shae killed the guards and took the relic for herself. And in the deep of night she made a wish, a wish to be the greatest goldsmith of her time. The relic burst into light, blinding her for a moment. When the dazzling light cleared she could feel deep in her bones that it had worked. But when she looked down at her hands she was shocked. What was once warm flesh was now the same cold, clear crystal the relic had been, a mark of it’s blessing or a sign of it's curse.
She fled the area, but not before one of the guards she thought dead saw what had happened. Now she’s on the run from mercenaries and bounty hunters. The merchant she robbed more powerful than she expected and he’ll stop at nothing to retrieve the relic, or short of that, it’s thief.


A’shae is currently living with her mate, Orisic, and her lover, Tonsa and his bandit brigade somewhere East of Ul'dah - no she won't tell you where, don't ask. The camp is small and needs work, so she's on the lookout for goldsmithing tools as well as any other quality of life things she can bring back for the little group. Additionally, Shae is always looking for new techniques or interesting projects she can work on to hone her craft, now that she can practice it.



A’shae learned quickly that people are less likely to turn in someone they call a friend. She's more than happy to help, no matter how exhausting the job might be. Full of smiles and warmth, you might not even notice until she's gone just how little you really know about her. Whether the kindness is just an act or who she truly is, it's impossible to tell until you get to know her.


Because she's on the run, A'shae has ways of changing her appearance if needs must. However she tends to favor her natural appearance. That of a small Miqo'te woman with fiery red hair and piercing blue eyes. A small scar runs across the top of her nose. While she may look lean, looks are deceiving, and her years of hunting with her tribe have left her stronger than she appears. No matter what changes she makes to her appearance, the one thing she can never change, no matter how hard she tries, is her crystalline hands.

Quick Stats

Gender: Female
Race: Miqo'te, Seeker
Age: 27
Height: 5' 0"
Build: Slim with lean muscle
Sexuality: Bi
Relationship Status: Has a mate and a Lover, but open to new relationships
Aliases: A'sha, A'nina



- Shae is often seen tinkering away at her craft when she can. Whether that's in Ul'dah's Goldsmith's Guild, on a traveling caravan, or even just on the side of the road, if you need a goldsmith to repair your trinket or build you a bauble she might be able to assist.
- Shae would love to stop having to hide her hands. If you know something about magical artifacts, she's interested in talking to you. She just... might be hesitant to explain why.
- You need help with something, anything or just want to talk. Her kind demeanor makes her very approachable, assuming you aren't looking to cash in on her bounty.


- You need a hunter to help you take care of a monster that's been troublesome and she looks like she knows how to handle her weapons. She's often traveling between Ul'dah and the South Shroud, if you meet her on the road she's likely to lend a hand.
- Shae is in need of goldsmithing tools and supplies, both that she can carry with her, and larger ones for her mate's camp. Perhaps you can help supply her?
-Shae is always looking for new ways to apply her craft. Do you have anything you can teach her about Goldsmithing? She'd love to talk to you!


- A'shae has a rather sizeable bounty on her head from a very rich and powerful merchant. Perhaps you're trying to cash in? Perhaps you're working against the merchant and want to help.
- Shae would love to stop having to hide her hands. If you know something about magical artifacts, she's interested in talking to you... She just... might be hesitant to explain why.



- Discord and In Game are both fine!
- Mature / Dark themes
- Para / Multi-para
- Long form
- 21+ OOC & IC
- IC =/= OOC
- Mare upon request


-Mare upon request! (Character WIP since DT)
- Would love to make friends OOC, and am happy to help with content!
- Love gposing with a passion, and will probably ask you to pose a scene we've done at least once.
- I have a cat, a bird, and a dog.
- Socially anxious but working on it.
- I love all things horror, and my all time favorite movie is the 1996 Scream. If I'm not on FF I'm usually on Dead by Daylight.